No.27 Yeong You Loong
Posted On Saturday, November 10, 2007 at at 7:11 PM by GenYongYou Loong?
YL Bear?
Why say so?
Why called people like that?
Anyway, just nothing... Don't mind!!
A scout member of YouLoong....
He is an active member as KenShin and YeongShen....
Be a Junior when Scout Trekking....
He is a best leader...
Heard from peoples...
Scout Members respect him
Not like that Ken Shin...
Can't lead peoples....
Not respection from members...
Talk about his attitude....
He is good in football...
His result not bad...
Between 200-300...
Good la...!!
Can be accept la...
He very friendly...
Just helping peoples in problems....
Good attitude...
But don't know why Wen Xuan and Jen Sheng will hate him?
He from Shih Chung de...
Same as our monitors and Yeong Shen...
That's all la I think....
Okay la...
He also got a blog....
Go visit la...
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