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No.11 Yam Xing Hei <1T14 Captain>

Continue with 1T14 Captain!!
Why say him is our captain?
Actually he is not good at all!!
In the begin year, many teachers were not respect him very much!!
By the way, many teachers also asked him how can he come in ChungLing?
But now thats gone....
A person will improve....
Don't look like him at the same position.....
Now Xing Hei was improve since he get the second demerit paper!!
In our obinion, he actually is a very responsible student.....
Thats only he was lazy!!
Although he was playful...
Like a playboy...
But his basketball was good at all!!
He was taking part the competition for ChungLing!!
He join many ppls like Walter, William and many more........
His attitude ok... is just lazy only and playful.....

Okay now let us to describe him....
His skin was so black....
Until many ppl say him like charcoal!!
And give him a name Charcoal Yam!!
Is so funny la....
He wear spec....
He very tall.....
Always want to wear low wase....
His shoes and clothes also same like his skin

In our obinion, he is the first kena demerit wan person!!
He was famous in afternoon session....
Until Mr Tan also know him ready!!
Can say that the whole teachers that teach us wan also know him......
Now a days, he was sad that he get many of demerit!!
He already get 31 demerit
Leave 40 more marks only...
And somemore small and big demerit!!
We are so pitiful with him....

Whatever how...
We will always support him wan!!
Thats all la....
Anymore can leave comment tell us!!

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    hu r u,tara??

  2. Anonymous Says:

    u now about xng hei

  3. Anonymous Says:

    xinghei sux