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No. 13 Yap Shan Wei

Shan Wei ar?

He is a junior prefect also!!

He is our class the most clever student!!

He from Han Chiang de.....

Puan Lim like to chat with him wan...

His result is our class the first ar...

So clever right?

Sure la!!

Cause his mother is a teacher mah....

Not special can describe about him....

His best friend is Yee Cong Jie

Always join with him!!

He very quiet wan...

Not say anything....

But he in junior prefect not active so does not have post!!

So pitiful to him!!

His attitude is the most good!!

Think so!!

He is a scout member!!

Not active pun la (maybe)

He not proud at all!!

Just quiet say with you only!!

Nothing intresting to say about him!!

So sorry la!!

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